Sunday, July 8, 2007

Play -- Stump The Club

This post comes from a few days of intense carpoolin'. There was a riddle bake off ['let that bake your noodle']... Join us for fun, join us to trash talk, join us to lurk or join us post [sic, since you will actually be commenting] your favorite noodle baker... Rules are Universal and few, see the exchange between Gollum and Bilbo... 1. You must know the answer to the the riddle you present. (too easy with the help from the good old dubya dubya dubya [sic]) 2. The riddle must be solvable. 3. The answer must come from your own noggin, "I figured that out in 1st grade" does not count. Unless you actually post [sic] the answer.

How to Celebrate?!

Wow! Can you believe this month marks our 1 year anniversary? How should we celebrate? We were thinking about giving a nod to the guy who started it all. What do you think?