Friday, January 2, 2009

Build The Career You Deserve With Kevin Kermes

Build The Career You Deserve
With Kevin Kermes
Just a Quick Note
I simply cannot believe it is going to be 2009 tomorrow! This past year has been nothing short of action packed for me and my family.
As you know, my grandmother passed away last month and earlier this year my father had some severe health issues (thankfully, he is on the mend). While both of these events were particularly trying for us all, it reaffirmed for me how tight knit a group we are! I am truly blessed to have been born into this clan!
In July of this year we had a fantastic addition to our family – Sean James – my nephew! Here he is with my dad – a very proud grandfather indeed! I know I am biased, but this is the happiest little guy I have ever been around…and it is contagious.
Curiously enough, this action – ebb and flow – has mirrored itself professionally as well. This year I have shifted my primary focus from headhunting and you have seen the ground swell that has taken Build the Career You Deserve to new heights in a very short period of time (the webinars, my coaching program, the blog…the list goes on). But that is just the beginning.
In January, I will unveil some huge, new solutions for you and your job search. These will include:
- A DVD sharing inside information on how to be your own headhunter - making the connections you need to get the interviews you want.
- A Mastermind Program giving unparalleled access to Subject Matter Experts to build the career you deserve.
- Networking tools to get you the answers you need to manage your job search and career.
- And more…
I am planning a call in early January to unveil all of this since there is way too much to list here. As my valued e-zine reader, you will be the first to hear about it! So keep an eye on your inbox for the date and time of call.
In the meantime, here is to a phenomenal 2009 for us all! I look forward to achieving much success together.
Taking it to eleven,

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE, BLOG OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Kevin Kermes publishes the 'Build the Career Your Deserve' e-zine with over 17,000+ subscribers. If you are ready to empower yourself with the vital tools and information necessary to find the job you want and build the successful career you deserve, visit him now


Kevin is the Managing Partner of Hammer Consulting and CEO of Kevin Kermes Inc., a company devoted to empowering professionals with the vital tools and information necessary to find the job they want and build the successful career they deserve. Sign up for his free e-zine – Build the Career You Deserve – for insider tips on how to do just that! _____________________________________________________________________________________________

2008 © Kevin Kermes Inc. All Rights Reserved